Living Creatures

Living Creatures art series. Chinese ink drawings on paper. In this series I investigate Canarian identity through plants and elements from a metaphysical perspective. The indigenous gaze is an animistic gaze: everything that lives has a soul and a will.

woman plant
Living creature, 2010 – 2022 Ink on Paper and digital work
spectrum colored
Spectrum, 2010 – 2022, Ink on paper with digital work
city and plants
Birth of a Building, 2022 , Digital Work
birth of bilding 09
Birth of a building, 09, 2022 , Digital Work
cuatro cardones
Cuatro cardones, 2012-2020 , Ink on Paper and Digital Work.
Familia Cardon, 2010-2022 , NFT Minted in Woonkly
Obama plant, 2010
living fish
Living fish, 2015 , Ink on paper and digital work
living creatures in Teide
Living Creatures in Teide, 2010, Ink on Paper and digital work.

A NFT Collection of Living Creatures

I was developing this serie in several stages for more than ten years. I always worked in Chinese ink on paper. I am currently digitizing a number of pieces, adding color to them and editing them in NFT.

My NFT Living Creatures collection is available on the Woonkly Platform in ETH and BNB tokens.