Support an artist

I am very happy to have been invited to the cryptoart Foundation platform by the Brazilian artist Rayana Cabrera. I met Rayana last year as a result of her work “Origin” her first work minted on the blockchain. Origin attracted my attention and I found it an enigmatic work: it shows an indigenous woman with sealed eyes. I felt very identified with this work and I was certain that it spoke about something that interests me a lot in art and in life: human dignity. Indigenous people, people who have been excluded from society in many countries without voice or vote, ravaged by a technified world that has swept them off the face of the earth. I think of indigenous Australians; I think of indigenous Brazilians in the Amazon. I bought it. Her first minted work, my first collected work. It’s a very special and comforting feeling when you support an artist in their career. From an investor’s point of view, an artist’s work can be seen as a commodity capable of being bought, exchanged, traded, sold and resold with which to make money by speculating on its price. It is legitimate and necessary: the art world needs investors and art collectors to support artists. For an artist, the fact that they buy your work can become a boost to your self-esteem, a form of recognition and appreciation that can also mean a lot in the beginning of your career. In Spain, and in the world, we need investors to support artists.

A year later, thanks to Rayana, I have been able to access Foundation, a marketplace of NFTs aimed at visual artists with access filter. In order to access the platform, artists must be invited to each other. Unlike other more open and unrestricted platforms such as Opensea, Foundation maintains a selection of very creative artists who present quality collections. There is also an investment community that supports these creative works and encourages its artists. I hope to take advantage of this opportunity with the launch of my next collection “We Robots” that I am preparing for this year 2022. We will see what happens during this year.

You can see brasilian Rayana Cabrera’s profile and my Foundation’s profile.

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